Keeping up with The Jones

Friday, March 02, 2007

Not quite Sunday School

Captain Steve and I have recently started forming our own material for the weekly Thursday night Bible Study at our corps. We basically strive to take on passages that are obscure, uncomfortable, and bizarre, and try to glean what we can. It’s all the inspired word of God, so anything goes. Some of the themes and topics might be a bit mature, but it’s an adult Bible Study. The awkward, the hard to explain, the oft avoided, all sit in our crosshairs as we try to deal perhaps most of all with why they are in the Scriptures to begin with. So far it has really produced some lively and edifying discussion.

One of our regulars is an older woman. She is basically the grandmother of our corps. She supports the church wholeheartedly and commands universal respect. She is one of those people who can be stern and loving at the same time. She is a strong woman of faith and a prayer warrior.

Last night I was leading a study on Genesis 38. As the reader got to the passage about Onan, I tried to keep my composure even as this dear old woman just started giggling like a teenager.

I guess I understand why most people avoid this stuff.


At 3/02/2007 9:02 PM, Blogger Steve Carroll said...

My favorite part was when The other woman asked you how the writer found out that onan was "withdrawing" to be able to write about it!!!


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