Find it if you can
Today I actually caught the 3:30 ferry to Manhattan to stand kettles. On the train to the ferry I was reminded that sometimes laziness pays off. As we pulled into St. George (last stop) many folks got ready to get off. I was in a bit of a daze and just sat waiting. When the train came to a complete stop, nearly everyone jumped up to get out the door first, but I was still zoning. A second later the train lurched forward again, having stopped prematurely. Catching the passengers completely off guard, they all went flying backwards while I finally snapped out of my stupor and watched, at first bemused but quickly amused and still firmly and comfortably seated. One terribly embarrassed girl flew into some guy’s lap and spent the rest of the time before the doors opened alternating between apologizing profusely to him and telling her friend to stop laughing so hard.
Another benefit to this laziness, besides not landing on a stranger, is that it can easily be disguised as patience, making me seem more virtuous. It makes me wonder how many people who seem patient are really just too tired to be pushy like everyone else.
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