Keeping up with The Jones

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I never thought they'd catch me so quickly

A mere two hours after yesterday’s post I was pulled over by the police on my way home. Thankfully, they don’t arrest you for driving with a burnt out headlight. Actually if my experience is any indication, they hand you a ticket while explaining several times in a most friendly manner how you can get out of it.

Following my instructions from last night I got the headlight fixed this morning and then brought the receipt for the transaction down to my local police precinct. I recapped what I had been told: fix within 24 hours, bring in receipt, pay no fine.

“I also need to see the vehicle.”

Oh. Do people really falsify receipts for a ten minute, $20 procedure? Anyway, it’s impossible to find parking in that area so now I had to walk all the way back to where my car was parked (giving the officer more than enough time to forget about me) and drive it over and double park right in front of the police station, blocking a cruiser even. But I got my signed form that says I pay no money, and escaped without receiving another parking violation.

So for those of you keeping score at home, in 4 ½ months living in Staten Island I’ve received 4 parking/moving violations and paid exactly $0 in fines. I don’t know whether to be happy or annoyed; mostly I’m just confused. I mean, why do they even write these things? Does anyone pay them? And they can’t possibly keep this up, can they? Can I?


At 11/17/2006 9:33 AM, Blogger AaronG said...

You lead an exciting life mr. jones

At 11/17/2006 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you will do more research on this subject.


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