I paid my rent today
I got a call on Sunday from my landlord’s wife looking for the rent. I explained that I couldn’t give it to her on the spot because the bank was closed and $X was the most I could take out from an ATM in a day. For this reason I would need to know a day in advance (only because I was paying two months’ rent, since X is an amount greater than one month's rent but less than two) so I could take out half that day and half the next. She agreed to come today to get the rent.
Sunday I withdrew half the money. I went back on Monday for the rest and was informed by the machine that this would put me over my limit. Hmm. Having withdrawn nothing yet that day, how could I have gone over my daily limit? Do holidays not count? Is not the point of an ATM that it is available when the human tellers are not?
I went back this morning and was again informed by the machine that I was attempting to surpass my daily withdrawal limit. I went inside to investigate, and the woman informed me that days when the bank is closed (weekends, holidays, any combination thereof) count as one day for ATM purposes. The best part was the rationale she offered: this is to protect me so that in the event someone steals my card they won’t get all my money before the next time the bank graces us by opening its doors.
Here’s the thing: banks are businesses. I understand that. It’s in their best interest to get as much of my money as they can and then make it as difficult as possible for me to take it back. Their entire business model is based on doing this, while simultaneously pretending they’re not. I understand all of that. Sometimes I just wish someone would say,
“Listen, I know this is less than convenient for you, but we have to remain financially viable. Measures such as this allow us to offer you the services we do while remaining profitable ourselves.”
No need to convince me you’re not self-interested, or that I’m always getting something for nothing from you. Let’s just talk turkey.
The best part of the whole ordeal was that I found out the $X (business)daily limit is $X per account. So all I had to do was withdraw half from the interest-bearing account I just set up (yield so far: $0.81) and then transfer the other half to my checking account and immediately withdraw it. All while standing at the same ATM. On the same day (business or otherwise).
I just hope the guy who steals my ATM card doesn’t think of that.
Okay, it's time I fessed up. I read your blog regularly and am so intrigued by the young man that you have become. And I admit, there were times when I wasn't sure this day would come. Anyway, I never posted until now, but I'm making my presence known. - Your Favorite Babysitter ;)
I hope you won't be too offended to know that I had to click on the link to verify which former babysitter was my favorite (as well as how to spell your name). Thanks for checking in.
We all grow up at some point (maybe even me someday).
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