Keeping up with The Jones

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You can do it. We can help.

One thing (among many) that I can’t do without considerable help is make a key. I realize that this is largely an equipment based problem, but there’s also some basic skills knowledge that I am lacking. Needing copies of my house keys, I went with Captain Steve to Home Depot yesterday to pick up some things for the corps.

I don’t spend a lot of time in Home Depot. I’m just not that guy. I went once with Uncle Clark to get an electrical adaptor and once with my friend Nicole to get some supplies for remodeling a teen center, but that’s about it. When I walk in, I’m overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things I don’t remotely recognize or understand.

I eventually found my way to the key counter but there was no employee present. I was pretty sure this wasn’t a do-it-yourself counter, and again, it’s not like I’d know what I was doing anyway. So I started looking for an orange apron.

Directly across from the key counter I found one who told me he’d take care of it. But then he hopped on one of those beeping go-cart/forklift contraptions and disappeared. I looked around and saw no more orange aprons in my vicinity. So I tried standing at the counter in an “I’m a customer in need of assistance” kind of way, hoping maybe someone would be checking. No luck. Another orange apron hurriedly walked by and when I got his attention he assured me he’d send someone to take care of it. The look on his face told me that he had more pressing concerns. Yet another orange apron wandered into my section helping another customer. I got his attention, hoping when he was done he could help me, or at least tell me he’d get someone and then not do it.

Finally a customer a bit less patient came up behind me and asked if I could make him a key. I assume he thought I was an employee, despite my lacking an orange apron, but either way we’ve already covered that I couldn’t help him. So he went and got the guy who had been helping someone else and got him to come over.

I normally only use the top lock on my door, but keys are cheap enough and I’d gone to enough trouble that I went ahead and made copies of both keys. And then I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

I went home to test the keys, and of course, the one for the bottom lock didn’t even work. But there’s no way I’m going back for $1.25 or a key I don’t really need. So congratulations, Home Depot. You’ve made an extra dollar by making my shopping experience so difficult that I won’t come back.


At 11/29/2006 12:37 PM, Blogger AaronG said...

You, old friend, are a marvelous raconteur.

At 11/29/2006 3:24 PM, Blogger Steve said...

This is similar to when I tried to make car key copies at WalMart, except that it only took about two minutes to find someone, he then refused to make a copy of my ignition key, and then ALL FIVE of the copies of my door key didn't work.

At 11/29/2006 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both you and Steve should send your keys here. I speak the lingo and can get your keys done correctly.

At 11/30/2006 5:44 PM, Blogger Steve Carroll said...

Dude what is the dealwith "captain steve" I barely tolate at the corps I cetianly don't need it published online

At 12/01/2006 11:41 AM, Blogger Steve said...

One thing the term 'Captain Steve' accomplishes is telling the two of us apart.

At 12/01/2006 1:18 PM, Blogger Steve said...

(I'm a general)


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